Not all games come with prizes

08 Sep 2022


Play the game correctly…. or not?

Stack Overflow is a great resource for software engineers to have! Not only can you ask a question there, you can also help others with theirs or simply learn from them. However, not all questions get answers. In fact, some questions even get replies that boarderline cyber bullying. To avoid this, your question should be as simple as can be while still conveying your ideas. An example of this would be like: Why does HTML think “chucknorris” is a color?. Despite how weird or funny the question may sound, it is a valid question. While providing this person’s question, he also left a description along with examples of the reason behind his question. As a result, this person has recieved replies that have been upvoted several thousand times.

Some questions do not always get responses. Users of Stack Overflow are more inclined to answer questions that are challenging or something that is not that easy to look up. In other words, the question needs to appeal to the reader. In this example, the person named their question: “Hi.I can not make a slider by using Glide.js in react? Please help me”. Unlike the other question before, this question uses the description to put their code down. As a result, no one has answered this question and got downvoted twice.

Overall, anyone can answer any question. If you search around Stack Overflow, there is a trend that you can see from people who ask these types of questions. Most of the questions you see that can be searched up, would not be answered. Once in a while some kind hearted person will come around and answer them. In order to ask a decent question on Stack Overflow, you would want to give as much detail as you can while appealing to the responder.